Anyone who lives in a family of any kind knows that people will disappoint and huirt you. Colossians 3:13 states, “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.” We need to understand that forgiveness is not a natural process. It seems to be more natural to carry a grudge, to record all wrongs on a legal pad in our minds. Yet the Bible is clear in its instruction. As we have experienced forgiveness from God, we are to forgive others. Families today are filled with people who desperately long for reconciliation. Some of us need to experience that kind of forgiveness from God. We need to remember that God has sent out His proof of forgiveness to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Romans 12;17-21 reminds us that God will deal with the sinful acts committed against us. We do not have to hold onto the memory or the emotion. We need to learn to place those things on the Lord Jesus Christ, and allow Him to deal with those things in His time and in His way.