In Matthew 25, Jesus tells His disciples a parable with a simple and clear point: God will judge us based on our caring service in the face of human need. This parable teaches us four basic truths concerning God’s call to service which He places upon the life of every believer. The first is that God calls us to Loving Service in Matthew 25:31-32a. God’s love is a demonstrative love, and he expects us, as his children, to be loving as well. On commentator points out that the real evidence of our belief is the way we act. We are expected to live as His children and act out our faith in Him. What we do for others demonstrates what we really think about Jesus’ words. How well and how lovingly we spend ourselves on behalf of others is the only true evidence of our faith and in Him and His words. 1 John 5:3 says, “this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. What are the other three points? quickly they are: God calls us to simple service (Matthew 25:35-36), God will judge us based on our loving service (Matthew 25:32-34), and God will bless our loving service (Matthew 25:34). I will attempt to explain these three in successive posts, for today, choose to demonstrate the love of God, TODAY.