In Matthew 28:6, we see the words of the Angel at the tomb to the women who came to anoint the body of Jesus, “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. . .” The early believers would greet one another by saying, “He is Risen” and the response was, “He is Risen, indeed!” The hope of the believer is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is that resurrection that gives us the understanding that Jesus’ death was sufficient to remove the barrier of sin between us and the Lord. In order for that to happen, we must turn to God from our sin. We serve a living Savior, and as we come to celebrate another Resurrection Day, this Sunday, we are reminded anew of the hope of Christ’s ministry to us. May this Sunday not just be a day of easter eggs, chocolate, and festivities, may it be a day when we pause and reflect on the glory of our God in providing Salvation for us through His Son!