Last Sunday we celebrated Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. What a day that must have been! It was a day that the disciples had looked forward to for three years. Jesus riding into Jerusalem in a way that acknowledge that He was their King! The people responding with palm branches, and crying out as He makes his way across the valley and into the temple. Nothing could stop this amazing scene. Yet just a few days later the atmosphere had changed. Jesus was about to be betrayed! The longer the disciples watched the events unfolding on that Passover week, the more they began to realize that Jesus was still moving toward His plan of death, not establishing His throne in Jerusalem. The Disciples did not understand that Jesus was going to establish His Kingdom, but He would rule from on High, not from the throne of David Yet. He will establish His Kingdom on earth, but He must first establish His kingdom in the hearts and minds of the people. Jesus’ kingdom is more than an earthly reign, He died on the cross to bring about the Kingdom of God in the hearts of people. This was a bitter pill for the disciples to swallow. They did not understand the plan purpose of God. It was not until after the passion week was over, and the Holy Spirit filled their hearts 40 days later that the disciples came to understand the power of the risen Christ. Today as followers of Jesus Christ we have the privilege of receiving that same Spirit the day of our turning to God from our sin. Salvation creates in us a new heart, that is empowered by the Holy Spirit. We need to learn to live in a new Kingdom, that is ruled by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of our heart-filled gratitude toward God for His provision that we choose to follow Him in obedience. As we face the circumstances of our live we often do not understand the complete plan of God. Like the disciples we need to learn to trust God and His plan for our lives, and during the bitter moments, acknowledge that we don’t understand, and seek wisdom from Him to face those circumstances with peace, and the joy of knowing that God is in control.