Why doesn’t God give us immediate and endless helpings of what we want? The same reason why parents don’t give their children endless meals of candy and sweets. It is not good for them! The value of Fatherly discipline is that it is first of all a proof of God’s love for us. This principle has the potential to completely change the way we view events which we could easily become bitter over. Learning to remember that our loving heavenly Father is allowing this event for both His glory and our good helps us to ignore the red stuff and seek the birthright. God’s discipline is an essential component to demonstrating that we are a part of God’s family. We often go to the idea that God disciplines us because He is attempting to get even with us, but the reality is that God does this because He loves us enough to be involved in making us more like His Son. The next time you are tempted to think that God doesn’t care about you, remember the words of Hebrews 12:6 “the Lord disciplines those He loves.” Remember that for those who are his enemies, in due season, His wrath will be revealed from heaven.