For many people, bitterness is a comfortable place to life. Teh have had a ow grade seething anger that has accompanied them as long as they can remember. They struggle with every circumstance that comes into their lives, because they always believe that they are somehow shortchanged in blessings. We often have a way of manipulating the circumstances to see only that we somehow have been short-changed in what they have been given. Sweet faith takes God at His Word, in the book of Ruth chapter 2 Ruth demonstrates that sweet faith. She begins by trusting the principle outlined in Deuteronomy 24:19 and asks for permission to follow the truths of the Word of God. Gleaning was an Old Testament provision given by the LORD for the poor and disenfranchised. She trusts the biblical principle of gleaning because she decides that the God of Israel is the only God, and He is the one whose wings are the best place of refuge. We see the providence of God working through her trust as she happens upon the field of Boaz and he provides a safe place for her to harvest, and even makes it possible for her to gather more than would be normally possible. We are told in Ruth 2:`17-18 that she was able to glean an ephah of barley, which would be about 30-40 lbs. of grain! This is a reminder that God is able “to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). Today if you have been struggling with your circumstances, trust the principles of God’s word to see you through, and then in humility and grace make choices that will demonstrate to those around you, your sweet faith.