God is the Creator and sustainer of all things. As we make decisions the only one who knows the full impact of our decisions is the Lord as He sees the beginning from the end clearly. Proverbs 1:7 reminds us that “The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of knowledge” (emphasis mine). Not the word “beginning” it means that this is the starting point of our decision-making process. In any and all decisions we make we must always start with God, and ask ourselves what decision would please God more. We start by understanding that there is a God and we are answerable to Him, that is the starting point. From there we must understand what He would have us do. Here we see a direct correlation between my knowledge of Scripture and the decision I am making. David said in Psalm 119:11 “You word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Here we are reminded that it is the Word of God that is the starting point for wisdom, and our understanding of God’s Word is the basis for wise decisions. We need to remember that our lives are not determined by our culture, or environment; Because of the way God has created us, we are given the freedom to make choices and we are the agent of deamination of our destiny not our environment or upbringings. We all have to deal with those elements in our decision-making process, but we need to understand that they are not determinative of our choices, our own personal heart is. That is why God transforms the heart of man, when we are redeemed, and that transformation brings us back into a relationship with Him, and that relationship enables us to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). Good decisions begin with a choice to “fear God” and understand that we are accountable to Him for every decision we make. Choose today to trust and follow Him.