685 S. Washington St. Millersburg, Ohio 44654
Rev. James A. Jamison, Pastor Phone: (330) 674-5927
September 8, 2020
Friends and Family:
I am happy to share with you that we have committed to reopen our Sunday School beginning Sunday, September 9, at 9:30 am. Once again, We recognize that not all of you may feel comfortable with meeting at this date, and we respect the right of each family to make their return based on their best evaluation of their needs of their family. At the same time, we do not want to hinder those who have a desire to restart in worship and fellowship. We must all understand restarting continues to be a process and not an event, so please work with us in that matter. Here is our current schedule for opening:
September 13: Sunday School – 9:30 – Moring Service 10:30 (with Jr. Church)
September 16: Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm – AWANA 6:45-8:00 pm
September 27: Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm
Since we are concerned for the physical needs of our body, we are asking you to please help us care for one another as we transition into … READ MORE