It is hard for us to do the work of the Lord in our own strength, but we are reminded in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 that the Holy Spirit enables us to do the Work that God has called us to do. The gifts that are outlined here are general gifts to help the church at Corinth understand that there were many things that the Lord does to provide unity within His body. What the Spirit of God gives to us is not for our benefit exclusively, but for the benefit of the body. Just as our body has many parts, and they all have to work together in harmony, so to does the local church need to participate together to make the ministry effective for the whole. When we sit by passively in our church we do not enhance the work going one. We can even become a drain on the body if we refuse to serve. At the same time, we need to understand that if we are busy and involved, we must not become proud of “our” work, or “our” service. The work being done is a work of God within the body. A key element in the use of our gifts is unity, and harmony. Remember, what you do is enabled by the Spirit of God, and what you are is made possible from that same Spirit. Learn to rest in the power of the Spirit to do the Work of the Lord