Scripture does not tell us how long the heavenly host remained with the shepherds and conducted the unprecedented praise service. As amazing as that experience was the shepherds were still able to regather their senses and collect their thoughts after the angels departed. No one had to prod the shepherds into the right response to the divine messengers’ words. They were in full agreement that nothing would deter them from going immediately to find the newly arrived Savior. The shepherds understood that they had received a word from God, and the reality of it was that Messiah had been born that same day. Their actions would affirm their eagerness of faith and prove that they were participants in more than a mere earthly drama. Their response leads us to the question: “Does the message of our deliverance from sin, move us into action?” Are we willing to leave those things that are important to us, to go and worship our Messiah? Going to a house of worship (church), is an important part of our growing faith. For it is there that we are able to see and hear more information concerning the love and grace of our God. As you approach this Christmas, determine to go and worship Christ, not only on Christmas day, but determine to make it a life-long pursuit.